Friday, June 6, 2014

I'm feelin' 22!!!

It's been forever, I know.
Here is a photo update on the past several weeks!

The weather has been beautiful and I have started going on jog/walks every
once in a while down by the sea wall! 

I rearranged my room and I think it's going to stay this way for a while! I'm really proud of it and love my little home!

This is Sally! She is one of my closest friends here in Japan!
We have Mondays off together and we like to go on fun outings!
We went shopping in Harajuku and found these awesome tanks
that say "Jesus is my rock and that's how I roll." So naturally,
we both bought them and now we can match!

Had another fun night at Mama Keikos! We made gyoza!!!

I dropped my wallet somewhere on the way home from work and didn't realize
it was missing until the next morning!! But don't worry, someone turned it in to
the police at the train station and I got it back with everything in it (ALL of my
important stuff!!!!!) within a day!!!! I LOVE JAPAN!

For Adam's birthday, we went down to the Sea Wall at night and set off
a bunch of fireworks!!!! It's legal in Japan and they sell them all over the place!

For Kye's birthday, we went to a breakfast buffet before work! It was oishi!!

Went to a dance show in Roppongi! There were a few drag queens in the show
and they were beautiful! It was nearly impossible to tell!!! The stage was build in
sections and all on hydraulics so it changed levels throughout each scene. It was
really quite amazing!!! So much fun! And we got a picture with the cast afterward!

One of my old dance friends in touring with Taylor Swift! The RED Tour
had one performance in Tokyo and I was able to go see her perform!!!! The
show was incredible and it was such a joy to watch her on stage! I held up
this sign for her! WIO means "work it out." Our dance studio we danced at together
 had a cheer that had "WIO" in it!
I brought my friend Eric with me to the show! It was about an hour train ride
away from home so I didn't want to go alone! We had such a fun time together!
There were some other Disney friends that went to the concert who knew
one of the dancers as well! So we met up afterwards!
We met our friends back at the hotel the cast was staying in and we got to
meet and hangout with most of the dancers in the show! They were all
so much fun and it was an honor to meet such talented performers!
I ended up staying with my friend overnight because I didn't have work
the next morning. We had breakfast at the hotel and this was our stunning
view from the 45th floor!!! Roppongi! With a perfect view of the Toyko
I took Clarice and two of her cast members
out the next day and showed them around
Harajuku and Shibuya! Some Taylor fans recognized
them and asked for their autographs! They asked
for mine too but I told them I wasn't in the show!
Wish I were though!
We stumbled upon a fantastic and inexpensive Japanese restaurant in Shibuya
and I was brave enough to order this without really knowing what most of it
was. Little did I know that under the slabs of fish were big scoops of wasabi.
Not a very fun surprise.
Yesterday was my 22nd birthday!!! The cast all got a few bites of this
amazing Baskin Robins cake!!! I ate most of the slice made of Popping Shower!
A couple of the fans were wearing these stickers in the audience!!! It was so sweet!
A lot of fans made these collages and posted them
on my Chan page! These are a few of my favs!

So nice of them to put all of their time and effort into theses! Each one of them made me smile!
My family sent this lovely birthday package full of treats! (The Swedish Fish were actually
from Sally!) I love American snacks and Epsom Salt<3
After work, we had a get-together in Sally's room.
It was a potluck movie night and we watched one
of my favorite movies, "Waiting for Guffman."
If you haven't heard of it or seen it, check it out!
We ate so much delicious food!!! YUM!
This was my gift from the cast (put together by Sally of course!). You all
remember from my previous post about Harajuku that I adore anything with
poorly translated Engligh...hence the backpack! "Sweetly Lovetoxic Fortune
Cute!" I also adore all of the socks sold all around Japan! And then my personal
favorite part of the gift, the "I <3 KALE" pj set!!! I saw with before with Sally
and I wanted it so bad. I really do love Kale :)
I had a wonderful 22nd birthday thanks to my lovely
friends and family!!! I was also pretty jazzed to have a theme song this year that I got to
see performed live!!!! AKA: "22" by Taylor Swift! It was stuck in my head all day!
So that's basically what's been going on lately! Same old full time work schedule with a day or two here and there to relax or explore! It's been raining pretty hard for the past few days, but eventually it's going to clear up and then continue to turn into the hot and humid summer we are all anticipating! Bring on the multiple showers, sweat towels, and electrolyte replacement drinks!!!!!