Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tokyo Disney Sea

I feel like it has been a long time since I've posted! We've been busy with final studio rehearsals this past week and we are all getting very excited to get into costume and on stage! We debut April 10th and we are so ready!!!!

Last week I finally had the opportunity to go into one of the parks, Tokyo Disney Sea!!! I have been looking forward to exploring this park for years after hearing so many wonderful things about it from different Disney friends! It turned out to be a beautiful day and although the park was insanely crowded, we made the best of it by going to see all of the shows rather than riding the rides!
Mama Keiko accompanied us to Disney as well!! She was so much fun!

The first thing we saw when we walked in was this welcome float with
Mickey and friends sailing around greeting every side of the lake!
We were excited to wear our Disney attire!

We watched the first show of Big Band Beat! Look
at this queue! It was a fantastic show!!!
We met this cutie in line! Mama knew her and her parents and we got to
hang out with her for quite a while. She sang "Let it Go" to us in Japanese!

I mean, how sweet is this?
Let's take a minute to reflect on how incredibly beautiful this park is!!!

And my personal favorite...
Mermaid Lagoon! Look it's Atlantica!!!!
We had a lot of fun with the hats all around the park!
And we made our own Parade!
And we channeled our "Shining Star" choreography on Tower of Terror!
I think Disney Sea stole the Atrium statue from the Magic...
We were lucky enough to have the chance to watch our friend Saori in
Mystic Rhythms! She is one of the Japanese dancers in our cast and she is
the sweetest thing. Not to mention a beautiful dancer!!! She has been with
Mystic for four years and is excited to make the transition into One Man's Dream!
She also trained in London and has impeccable English with a hint of an
Australian accent because her boyfriend is an Aussie!

It was a really fantastic day!

This is a video one of my cast members posted on our One Man's Facebook page! It's a hilariously mostly accurate example of things we say/think and do as gaijin in Japan!
And the just as funny sequel!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


This is one place I have been dying to go!!! Harajuku is Tokyo's 'kawaii" capital.
Harajuku is also known for it's Harajuku girls and their interesting
fashion choices. Unfortunately, the only crazy dressed person I saw was a
dressed in a fluffy pink dress and he wouldn't let us take a picture of him...
Harajuku is like a big market full of color and fashion. There are some really nice designer places, and also some really cheap stores with great deals. I didn't want to spend too much and I didn't really need anything, so I just tagged along with some friends to see the city and the shops. I brought home a couple accessories and I ate a whole bag of candy, but I didn't get any crazy clothing pieces. Maybe next time...
Welcome to Harajuku!
Such colorful shops!
This store was incredible. We weren't supposed to take pictures, but I took
this sneaky one :)
There were also these hidden gems where
everything was 390 yen(about 4 dollars)!!!
I got some little accessories from here!
There were some stores with really fancy interior design!
Had to try a bag of Japanese sweets!
This street was where the bigger, more expensive shops were.
Love the city!

Japanese fashion is so interesting to me. They have a very conservative culture and they are modest and reserved people, but the girls wear tiny little shorts and dresses that we would consider sexy, but they consider "cute." Everything about their culture is cute. Japanese also love wearing clothing featuring words or phrases in English. You can also find shirts, sweatshirts, etc. from RANDOM American colleges or cities. The Japanese don't seem to know what most of these places are, they just like that it's American.  I especially loved finding sweatshirts from Ohio State, BYU, and a random city in Colorado. 

But I have to say, my project for the day was finding really poorly translated phrases or things that just didn't make sense to me. These are the best ones I came across:
"Glad at the good news"

"If you want to be happy, be."

"Thomas ate egg everyday"

"I can't wait to see you, I wanna see you right now. What will
you talk about if you meet next?"

"Possible can do most things"

"Keep hope alive! You'll never find a Rrainbow if you're looking down"

"Twinkle little Girl. There is the future in the point of the
large sea"

"Life began after I fell in love with you...
more than you know, I think about you
all the time. you makes me happy, you
are my treasure. I fell head over hills
in love with you."

"Freaks in the front" ?

"Definitely we are awesome"

My favorite:
"You can sit with us"

"Don't laugh I mean it."
I hope you get a nice laugh from those, I know I did.

Later that day after we got home from Harajuku, we decided to take a trip out to Roppongi! We went to this club/lounge called New Lex Tokyo! I'm not a big fan of clubs, but this one is very classy and low key and it's usually mainly full of Disney people! The owner has a great relationship with a lot of Disney cast members and they treat us really really well. They treat us like the rest of the celebrities that visit Lex when they are in Tokyo. Ya know...like Steven Tyler, Katy Perry, Leonardo Dicaprio, Jonah Hill, LMFAO, Hellogoodbye, just to name a few...
At Shin-Urayasu Station heading to Roppongi!

The lights are so beautiful at night!

New Lex Tokyo

We even saw the Tokyo Tower before
getting our taxi home!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mickey Mouse Our Shining Star

Psalm 30:2

O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.

Praise the Lord! Whatever was going on in my stomach/pancreas/liver/gallbladder/who-knows-what is gone!!! Almost a full week of crippling discomfort really makes me appreciate feeling healthy and normal again. Also, not exercising for that long made me feel so sluggish and unproductive! It is incredible to  dance again!

So I haven't written about the show in quite a while. Well guess what? We're almost done learning everything!!! Only 1 month left until we debut!!!  We've been having lots of late night rehearsals and my sleep pattern is wayyy off: rehearsal 7pm-1am, go to bed at 4am, sleep in until noon. Not good.

"One Man's Dream" is more of an acting show than a dancing show. I love that. There are tons of dance numbers, but portraying your particular character in each scene is SO important to the overall feel of the show. Dance is my first passion, but theatre is my second and my favorite thing about working for Disney, is that their shows always have many different genres and characters portrayed by the ensemble. Disney has definitely helped my versatility!

It's cool to see the show coming together. A few weeks ago we did a run-through of the first half of the show and it was so much fun to see each scene consecutively. It was also a rude awakening to how much I need to get my stamina back up...

Yesterday was my favorite rehearsal yet. No blocking, waiting, or sitting, ALL dancing. The song is called "Mickey Mouse Our Shining Star." All of the original songs in this show are brilliantly composed in a way that makes me feel all sorts of emotions. The opening is light-hearted and makes you smile, the jungle scene has a jazzy beat that makes you tap your toes, and the evil scene gets your blood pumping with its powerful chorus; but my favorite number, "Shining Star," builds and builds and builds until you're just overcome with happiness and your eyes swell with tears of joy (or at least mine do.) It's hard to put into words exactly how I feel when I perform this number. It feels like my soul is coming to life. I guess it's similar to the satisfaction and fulfillment I experience when a prayer has been answered or God gives me a profound word. It's as if I can feel the Holy Spirit in my bloodstream as I dance.

Here is a clip of the show with "Shining Star," Finale, and Bows! It's just not the same on video though...

Needless to say, it was a wonderful rehearsal. We also only had rehearsal from 3-7 so I got home at a decent hour and was finally able to do a little grocery shopping. After last week, I'm pretty determined to start closely watching what I eat. As I rode the bus home, I had that overwhelming feeling of thankfulness that I've been experiencing a lot lately. I'm thankful to be healthy, I'm thankful to be able to pursue and live out my passion for performing, I'm thankful for this opportunity to live in a whole new country and culture, and I'm thankful to have such a close relationship with a God that reminds me of His love and His  plans for me!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's not all fun and games.

It's been a hard week...

I love writing about the exciting new adventures I have been on, but if this blog is to be a reflection of my entire experience in Japan I have to share the bad stuff too.

A few days ago out of nowhere I picked up some sort of stomach virus. Don't know how or where I got it from, all I know is that the last time I had this sort of consistent stomach pain, I had appendicitis.

It was a normal day where I slept in a little, made myself a nice breakfast, and facetimed with Nick. Around noon I started noticing an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach almost like a hunger pain, but I had just eaten. It gradually became more and more uncomfortable and every now and then I would feel a sharp contraction for 15 seconds or so. I was confused and a little concerned, but I had to leave for rehearsal in just 20 minutes and I wasn't even sure how to call in sick if that's what it came down to.

So I met a group at the bus stop to travel to Disney, but I couldn't be bothered to engage in conversation because the cramping was worsening. (Sidenote: I'm one of those people that if you ask me how I'm doing, I'll usually start tearing up. I hate this about myself because I don't ever want to over exaggerate what I'm feeling for sympathy or pity.) Although the cramping was uncomfortable, I really didn't need to cry about it. I immediately tried to shut off the tears and hide my face because I didn't want that kind of attention. Although the discomfort was constant, the pain came and went very sporadically. I decided that I wanted to fight through rehearsal because I figured it was just gas pain and would pass since I've had spells like that before. I let the director and choreographer know that I was having uncomfortable pains so I wouldn't be able to do one of the lifts, but I was going to do everything else full out. And I did. In fact, I felt the best when I was dancing and performing because my mind was elsewhere.

I went home that night and the pain had not subsided at all. I couldn't sleep through the night and even had a moment where I couldn't help but cry because I was so uncomfortable and so tired and just wanted to sleep. I ended up facetiming with Nick around 6am because I was still awake and I just needed to talk to someone. That's the absolute worst thing about being sick and living by yourself in a foreign country, sometimes you just need someone to cry to. At this point, the pain was evenly distributed throughout my entire stomach region and carried into the backside of my ribcage as well. There was no way to get comfortable.  Thankfully I fell asleep around 7:30 and got a few hours of rest.

The next morning was the absolute worst. The cramping, though still all over, was the most concentrated in the section above my belly button, mostly under the right-side of my ribcage and my back. My whole stomach felt swollen and was tender to the touch as well.  I was in such pain I thought I was going to be sick so I crawled into my bathroom incase I needed to vomit.  All of the sudden my entire body felt really hot and I started to black out and thought I was going to faint. I couldn't do anything but curl up in a ball and pray that the pain would cease. Eventually it calmed down enough to stand up and I immediately called the care team to set up a doctor's appointment for later that day. I went to go to work and went straight into the office so I could be taken to the clinic.

One of the care team members escorted me to the clinic so he could translate for me. It was a very quiet place (like the rest of Japan) and instead of waiting in a room for a doctor, you waited to go into the room where the doctor already was.

She spoke and understood very little English so the man that was with me had to explain everything that I had been telling him. She felt around my stomach for a little and then concluded that she thought it was a gastro-intestinal stomach virus/flu. I was a little confused because I wasn't experiencing any nausea or diarrhea and I've definitely had GI before (shout out to the Disney Dream day 1). She prescribed an old Japanese medicine to me that is just a little packet of powder that I am to take three times a day between meals and I can only eat soup and toast.  She warned me it was going to taste really bad and wasn't going to be easy to take. She was right.

I had to miss the following day of rehearsals because although I was feeling a little better, I wasn't ready to dance and I didn't want to risk spreading the virus to anyone else.

The medication gradually started to help a little, but I began to experience more pain mainly when I was eating. It was almost like a constant "empty belly" sensation, yet when I ate, my stomach cramped up almost immediately as if it was rejecting anything that dared to enter. My body stopped allowing me to breathe efficiently because my stomach seized as I exhaled. It was excruciating discomfort for about 30 minutes that I spent crawling to my bed then curling up into a ball on my side or in child's pose until the cramping subsided and I could relax. It was such a sporadic discomfort because at times I felt absolutely fine then 5 minutes later I could hardly stand up without gritting my teeth, breathing deeply, and hunching over clenching my stomach to walk across the room.

Thankfully, I am feeling loads better today, yet I'm concerned for rehearsal tomorrow. Praying that I'll be alright to go in and learn everything I've missed!!!

Sorry for all of that drama...

On a happier note, my boyfriend, Nick auditioned for a show at Tokyo Disney today in Los Angeles and KILLED IT!!!! Praise God! I am beyond proud of him and will continue to pray that they will bring him out here!!!

Here is an audition video he made and sent to them early on :)
BBB Audition Tape - Nick Muller

My wonderful man also sent me a lovely care package full of goodies that I can't wait to enjoy once my body will allow me to eat them :)

I promise the next post won't be so depressing!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Asakusa: pronounced "a-SAH-koo-sah" not "assa-koosa"

Today's adventure was probably my favorite so far!!! It was our day off and although it was meant to rain, 4 of us decided to go explore! At first we couldn't decide where to go. We wanted to see the Sky Tree, but it was really foggy and we wouldn't be able to see anything if we went up the tower. Instead we thought; "maybe we could go to Odaiba and play in the massive arcade, or go to Ginza and walk around, or go to Sinjuku and explore there..." In the end we finally decided to travel to our original destination, Asakusa, because we knew there would be temples and I was dying to finally see some beautiful architecture!
Grant, Meliah, Bridie, and I
So we took a few trains for about 45 minutes total and finally stepped out in Asakusa. We had to walk through a bunch of little shops filled with fans, kimono, samurai swords, chopsticks, prayer beads, masks, etc. to reach the temples. I wanted to buy EVERYTHING! I will absolutely be returning to Asakusa to birthday and Christmas shop for friends and family!
Kimono shop!

The temples were outrageously stunning! I had been so anxious to see the stereotypical Japanese shrines and there they were right before my eyes! Incredible!
I mean...just look at it!!!

A little out of focus, but still a nice group shot!
There were little fortune stands all around the temples. You put 100yen (about $1) in the slot, shake the tin, get a stick with a number, open the box with the matching number, read your fortune, then tie it to a nearby rack.
Those are the boxes with the fortunes. That is the
silver tin you shake with the sticks.
This was my fortune. It is a bad fortune :( The English translation is pretty comical though.
Then I tied it to the rack.
Three out of the four of us all got bad fortunes. What a waste of a dollar.
You have to cleanse your hands with this water before
entering the temple.
It's a horrible picture, but this is what it looked like inside the temple.

There was a little room you could see into where there was some sort of prayer ritual or Buddhist service going on.
Out to the left of the temple was a garden with some ancestral shrines.
The garden!
Just beautiful!!!!

Little Buddha
It was too perfect with the man there not to take a photo!
Love this view.

After the temple, we walked along a street with a few food vendors. There were kebabs with octopus and squid, sweet pastries, and omelettes!!
Kebabs! I actually tried a bite of the octopus one! (Don't worry, it was fried and dipped in sauce!)

This is called Takoyaki! It's a doughy ball filled with octopus and topped
with some flaky stuff and some sort of sauce!

There were some cool engraved stones in the park!

I saw my first cherry blossom!!!! (right now I'm trying
cherry blossom ice cream for the first time! Oishi!)
I also saw my first kimono-dressed couple!!! Cho kawaii!!! (so cute)
Even though the temples and the snacks were great, my favorite part of the day was spending about an hour in the nearby kiddie amusement park! The park was called: "Hanayashiki"- the old park with a smile!
We were SO excited.
We rode in a flying gingerbread house!!!!!
We had a beautiful view of the Sky Tree!
We had WAY too much fun!!!!
This was a haunted house ride that I screamed through the
entire ride even though my eyes were closed and nothing was actually that scary...

Then we decided it was time to go home, which we were thrilled to say
because our home was only 45 minutes away :)
Until next time, sayounara!!!