Friday, May 30, 2014

A Heavy Heart Full of Hope

Before reading this blog, please take 3 minutes to watch the video below in remembrance.

IV Strong

This time last week, my friends' Facebook statuses were informing me of gunshots being heard in Isla Vista. I spent the next 24 hours researching all of the information I could find online regarding the shootings as the facts and the names of the victims were released. I read almost every article I could find and as I went over the details of the tragic event, my heart became so heavy with sadness for the community and the friends and families of all the innocent victims. I'm not going to explain everything that happened on here because I'm sure you've already heard about it all from social media or various news channels and websites and all it takes now is a quick google search to learn all of the details.

I know that these things happen all the time, all over the country, probably more often than we are aware of. But when it occurs in a town so close to your heart, and you read articles with statements from close friends who were witnesses, it is such an eye-opening realization and hard concept to grasp. I only attended UCSB for one year, but I could argue that that was the most pivotal year of my life because it is the place where I met and fell in love with Jesus and changed my life forever.

Isla Vista is a small college town notorious for it's excessive partying and laid-back beach lifestyle. UCSB has been ranked the #2 party school in America because of Isla Vista. Prior to the recent shooting, there were other occurrences reported in IV including gang rapes, stabbings, and large riots. Sadly, IV has slowly been building a violent reputation for itself. But that will never change the fact the Isla Vista is one of my favorite, most cherished places in the world because of the people that I met there. Amongst all of the outrageous partying is the most genuine and loving Christian community I have ever experienced. My heart is eternally bonded to this family and I truly don't know who or where I would be without having been introduced.

Even though pure tragedy has struck Isla Vista, I know that God is alive in His city and is taking this opportunity to instill hope rather than fear. After a few days of articles about the gunman, his manifesto, and the details of the shooting, social media starting pouring out with pictures and videos of the candlelight vigil, memorial paddle-out, prayer circles, and other community gatherings of love and support. I wholeheartedly believe that there is going to be a crazy outpouring of God's love in the days to come.

Keep the city of IV and more importantly, the families and friends affected by this tragedy in your prayers and thoughts and don't lose hope!

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