Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Past Month in Pictures

I KNOW! It's been forever since the last post...

I haven't been on too many exciting adventures lately since I now have a set work schedule. It is SO nice to have a weekly routine.

So this post will have a lot of photos to catch you all up on what has been going on the past month!

Finally made it into Disneyland! I bought an
annual pass that is good for both parks so I can
go throughout the year!!! 
So proud to work for these two!

This is Showbase, our stage!
We were able to watch the show twice that day
because there was no lottery! Usually only the
first show is open seating and all the rest are
drawn from a lottery! It was so much fun watching
everyone perform from the other side!
The park was pretty empty that day and we got on every
ride within 30 minutes which is RARE! We even got a fastpass
for Splash Mountain...and got splashed...
I had to get a picture with Tigger because he is my
mom's favorite! He was very sweet and bouncy!
We had such a fun time at the park! We rode so many rides, ate so much popcorn, and enjoying watching One Man's Dream! It ended up raining halfway through the day, but we didn't let that stop us! The park was pretty amazing. Similar, but different that Disneyland and Magic Kingdom in the States! Can't wait to go back and use my pass again!

We celebrated a few birthdays and events as a cast this past month! We always do something special when it is someones birthday. We all chip in for a gift for them, go to dinner, and have cake at showcase!
We went to a Mexican restaurant at Tokyo Station for Brandi's birthday!
We surprised Mama Keiko at TGI Fridays for her birthday!
I don't have a group picture, but we went to a themed restaurant called
Alcatraz for Francois' birthday. It was like a hospital/prison where the
servers dressed like nurses and you sit in a cell and there are weird
things on the menu. It was a fun experience with the group, but I think
that will be my first and last time at Alcatraz...
We got everyone together for a group photo at Mama Keiko's! Pete couldn't
make it so we held up his picture on an iPad! We had a sushi-making party
that night at Mama's!

See^^ Sushi making! Yum!!!
We had an official Welcome Party with the OMDII cast including our
Japanese dancers and stunt boys! What a fun night!
We had a Days Off party with all the other gaijin performers working at Disney!
We all live in the same building and see each other all the time. It's a lot of fun
meeting performers from the different shows and spending time with them. So
we all got together and wore colored bandanas of our Days off and wrote our
names on those papers so we could get to know more people!
And here's everyone who came! So many gaijin!!!

So yeah...lots of group get togethers! I really enjoying spending my days off getting errands done and just relaxing! Love a good grocery shopping trip or a movie night!
Had some girls over to watch Mean Girls since it was the 10 year anniversary!
Made another trip to Costco and got one of these babies!
Only brought a small suitcase this time so it was manageable.
I've been having some trouble with communication this past month. My FaceTime and Skype both decided to stop working for 3 weeks. I was getting extremely frustrated and wasn't able to talk to Nick because he is on a cruise ship; if any of you read my other blogs while I was on DCL you learned all about how hard it is to find steady wifi at a reasonable hour that works with a different time zone. Just a reminder...Tokyo is 16 hours ahead of California. I'll let you do the math and realize how difficult it is to plan FaceTime/phone calls around a ship schedule with that time difference.
Anyway...I hadn't been able to video chat with Nick for 3 weeks and had only had 2 real conversations with him in that time. We finally had the chance to plan when we would be free to talk next and after fiddling with Skype for a while, I rebooted my computer worked!!! Only for a little while...but at least I saw his face!

FaceTime still refuses to work, someday that will change...I hope!
So anytime this happens, I know it's
going to be a fantastic day!
Today I was even lucky enough to see
and chat with all of these beautiful girls!!!!
It's been almost 2 months!

So I've settled into my daily routine. I'm getting to know my cast better and making some truly amazing friends. Laughing at silly moments in every show, exploring new character choices, learning silly Japanese words and phrases, enjoying the loads of sometimes awesome sometimes awkward photos that are taken, and feeling so thankful each day that this is where God's path has led me.

1 comment:

  1. So cast members still need to buy passes in order to enjoy the park? D:
