Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Do not be anxious about anything..."

I'm here. I made it. I'm safe.

The past two days have been such a whirlwind.  My day and a half of travel was exhausting but when I finally met some of my cast members I started to feel excited about being here! Not that I wasn't excited before, but I spent the whole last week dwelling on how long I'm going to be gone, the people I'm going to miss, and the things I'm going to miss out on. I've never felt that anxiety before any other contract before. I've been traveling consistently as a dancer for a few years, but I'm never worried, scared, or nervous when I leave for a job. God gives me a peace and security in my decision and I go into a new experience feeling ready. So it was concerning to me that the job I've been dreaming about for years was causing me insomnia and a heaviness in my heart.
My apartment!!!

CANNOT WAIT to brighten it up with furniture and decorations! It looks like a giant ship cabin with the cream-colored walls!

After I unpacked a little, I sat down with my AC remote and the translated manual in English and spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on the heater. For some reason, I just felt defeated and helpless. So I made myself Cup of Noodles for dinner with a just as confusing microwave... The current and new cast was having a welcome party in one of the extendees'(current cast members who chose to extend their contract and do another season with this show.) I was so exhausted and emotional and I just wanted to go to sleep, but I forced myself to stop by the party because I knew it would lighten my spirits.

And it did! I had a great time meeting the people currently doing our show and hearing about their experience here. I know I probably say this about every contract in the beginning, but I can already tell that this is going to be a great cast: talent-wise and personality-wise! My favorite part is that almost half of my cast is Australian! I just can't get enough of their accents! The party made me feel a lot better and I went to bed feeling more peaceful than before.

I woke up really early because I was so nervous my clock wouldn't have the correct time or my alarm wouldn't go off. Also, I was probably pretty jet lagged because I am 16 hours ahead of California time.  I decided to just get up out of bed and start my day so I wouldn't feel rushed to get ready.

Today was our first day of orientation! We got our train passes, rode the train to Tokyo Disneyland Resort, learned about how to get around backstage, received a whole bunch of paperwork and information, learned about how to file our taxes next year, and then we were free for the rest of the day! A group of us went to the shopping malls on the way home and picked up some groceries or little things we needed for our apartment. It is crazy difficult to grocery shop because the label are all in Japanese and sometimes it's impossible to figure out what it is! So I bought a handful of random things that hopefully will make up a meal or two!
Passed this cute little mascot on the way home.

Other than not being able to read anything, Japan feels a lot like America. I truly thought I was going to experience insane culture shock, but I feel very comfortable with the city so far.  I mean, I still don't have any idea where I'm going most of the time, but I feel safe and if I got lost I wouldn't feel panicked!

Today put my heart and my mind at peace with me being in Japan. I finally have my clothes all unpacked and have some food to keep me fed for a few days.  I am thankful for these times of doubt because God always reminds me how safe I am when I put my trust in Him.
First home-cooked meal in my apartment!

One of my favorite verses that always pops into my head when I need it:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

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